Is Chewing Gum with Invisalign a Good Idea? Find Out!

Understanding Invisalign and Other Aligners

What Are Aligners?

Aligners, such as Invisalign, are a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable trays to straighten teeth. Unlike traditional braces, aligners are virtually invisible and offer a more aesthetically pleasing option for adults seeking adult orthodontics Boston. Aligners are custom-made to fit each patient's teeth and gradually move them into the desired position over time.

Benefits of Using Aligners

Aligners offer numerous benefits over traditional braces, including:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Clear and nearly invisible, making them less noticeable.
  • Removability: Can be taken out for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene.
  • Comfort: Smooth plastic aligners cause less irritation to the gums and cheeks.
  • Convenience: Fewer visits to the orthodontist compared to traditional braces.

How Aligners Work

The process starts with a consultation where digital impressions of your teeth are taken. These impressions are used to create a series of custom aligners that you will wear for about two weeks each. Each new aligner set gently shifts your teeth until the final desired alignment is achieved. Treatment duration varies but typically lasts between 12 to 18 months.

Chewing Gum and Orthodontics

Chewing gum is a popular habit that many people enjoy for its various benefits, as well as for simple pleasure. Here are some of the general benefits and drawbacks of chewing gum according to Adult Orthodontics Boston:


  • Increased Saliva Production: Chewing gum stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. This increased saliva flow can aid in washing away food particles and debris, thus promoting overall oral hygiene.
  • Freshens Breath: Chewing gum, especially mint-flavored, can help freshen breath, making it a quick fix for bad breath after meals or in social situations.
  • Reduces Dry Mouth: For individuals who suffer from dry mouth, chewing gum can be a simple and effective way to increase moisture in the mouth and reduce discomfort.
  • Aids Digestion: Chewing gum can help stimulate digestive enzymes, which can aid in the digestion process, especially after a meal.
  • Stress Relief: Many people find that chewing gum can help relieve stress and anxiety, providing a mild distraction and physical outlet for nervous energy.


  • Tooth Decay: Chewing gum, especially those containing sugar, can contribute to tooth decay. The sugar in gum can feed harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to the production of acids that erode tooth enamel.
  • Jaw Problems: Excessive chewing can lead to jaw problems such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The repetitive motion of chewing can strain the muscles and joints in the jaw.
  • Caloric Intake: While the calories in a single piece of gum are minimal, habitual gum chewing can add up, especially with sugar-containing varieties.
  • Potential Allergens: Some gums contain artificial sweeteners or flavorings that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Chewing Gum with Aligners: Potential Risks

Gum Sticking to Aligners

One of the primary concerns with chewing gum while wearing aligners is that it can stick to the trays. This not only makes it difficult to remove the gum but can also damage the aligners, potentially compromising the effectiveness of the treatment.

Potential for Misalignment

Chewing gum can exert additional pressure on the aligners, potentially causing them to shift out of place. Misaligned trays can disrupt the intended movement of the teeth, leading to ineffective treatment or requiring additional aligners to correct the issues caused by gum chewing.

Hygiene Concerns

Chewing gum can leave residues on the aligners, which can be challenging to clean. These residues can lead to bacterial growth, bad breath, and an increased risk of cavities. Maintaining clean aligners is crucial for effective treatment and oral health, making gum chewing a risky behavior.

Expert Recommendations and Alternatives

What Orthodontists Say About Chewing Gum with Aligners

Orthodontists generally advise against chewing gum while wearing aligners. The risks associated with gum sticking to the aligners, potential misalignment, and hygiene issues outweigh any potential benefits. Specialists in adult orthodontics Boston emphasize the importance of following treatment guidelines strictly to ensure the best results.

Safer Alternatives to Chewing Gum

For those who miss the act of chewing, there are safer alternatives:

  • Sugar-Free Mints: These can freshen your breath without the risks associated with chewing gum.
  • Dental Chews: Designed to promote oral health, these do not stick to the aligners and can be a good alternative.
  • Hard Sugar-Free Candy: Another option that avoids the stickiness of gum while still offering a chewing experience.

Tips for Maintaining Oral Health with Aligners

Maintaining oral health with aligners involves:

  • Regular Brushing and Flossing: Brush and floss after every meal to prevent food particles from being trapped in the aligners.
  • Cleaning the Aligners: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to clean the aligners daily. Rinse them with lukewarm water, avoiding hot water to prevent warping.
  • Avoiding Staining Foods and Drinks: Remove aligners when consuming foods or drinks that could stain them, such as coffee or red wine.
  • Regular Dental Check-Ups: Visit your orthodontist regularly to ensure the treatment is progressing as planned.

The Importance of Compliance in Adult Orthodontics Boston

Maintaining strict compliance with orthodontic guidelines is crucial for the success of treatment. Adult orthodontics Boston specialists stress that following the prescribed wear schedule, proper cleaning techniques, and avoiding prohibited behaviors such as chewing gum can make a significant difference in treatment outcomes. At Smilebar, Boston’s Top Invisalign Orthodontist you can avail the best oral care around the area.


Chewing gum with aligners is generally not recommended due to the potential risks of gum sticking to the aligners, misalignment, and hygiene concerns. Orthodontists from Adult Orthodontics Boston emphasize following treatment guidelines to achieve the best results. There are safer alternatives to chewing gum that can help maintain oral health and fresh breath during aligner treatment.


Is it ever okay to chew gum with aligners? 

Generally, it's best to avoid chewing gum with aligners. If you must, consider removing the aligners and brushing your teeth before reinserting them.

What type of gum is safest with aligners? 

If you decide to chew gum, sugar-free gum is the safest option. However, Adult Orthodontics Boston recommends avoiding gum altogether to prevent potential issues.

How can I freshen my breath without chewing gum while wearing aligners? 

Using sugar-free mints, maintaining good oral hygiene, and regularly cleaning your aligners can help keep your breath fresh without the need for gum.

Can chewing gum damage my aligners? 

Yes, chewing gum can stick to and damage the aligners, affecting their fit and effectiveness.

What should I do if gum sticks to my aligners? 

If gum sticks to your aligners, remove them carefully and clean them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water.

Are there any foods or behaviors to avoid with aligners? 

Avoid foods that can stain or damage the aligners. Sticky and hard foods should also be avoided to prevent damage to the aligners.
