6 Effective Ways To Accelerate Your Invisalign Process

  1. Wear your aligners as directed for the allotted time each day
  2. You may have been instructed to wear the aligners for at least 21 to 23 hours each day during the consultation phase. This not only guarantees that the teeth will certainly get straightened at the end, but it also ascertains that the treatment will be finished on time or earlier.
  3. Moreover, it is also frequently observed that patients claim their treatment is not giving out significant results. This is likely a result of them not using the aligners for the recommended period each day. Remember to wear the aligners for a minimum of 21 hours each day if you want the procedure to go seamlessly and prevent the need for additional treatment time due to failure.
  4. Change your aligner sets as your dentist has advised
  5. The aligner tray must be changed after a predetermined amount of time for Invisalign treatment. This is crucial since each subsequent tray will assist in straightening and rearranging your teeth. You can think of it like this: the first tray assists in pushing the teeth in a specific direction up to a specific limit; from there, the second tray takes charge and pushes the teeth even more in the direction of alignment. Thus, it is clear how crucial it is for a patient to change the tray after the designated amount of time has passed because failing to do so will undoubtedly cause the process to be delayed. As a result, it is recommended to shift to a new set of aligner trays whenever your orthodontist instructs you to.
  6. Keep a track of your appointments
  7. There's no denying the fact that the best way to track the progress of your treatment is by paying regular visits to your orthodontist. This not only helps in tracking the progress but it will certainly help you and your orthodontist to understand whether the treatment is going in the right direction to obtain the desired result. Hence, you should always take your appointment seriously and keep track of them so that you do not miss any and it doesn't negatively affect the process.
  8. Make use of your Invisalign chewies regularly
  9. Taking chewing aids is among the ideal ways to accelerate your Invisalign treatment if you're thinking about doing so. Your teeth will move more effectively with the assistance of this during your Invisalign procedure. You can go on to the subsequent aligner tray more quickly, shortening the course of treatment.
  10. The chewing movement creates the corrector to settle over your teeth by exerting pressure in different directions. This pressure that chewing exerts would certainly help force the teeth to move and eventually assist in significant improvement. Overall, it takes less time to get the smile you want. Remember these chewies must be used at least three times daily.
  11. Brush your teeth and take proper care of your aligners
  12. Our mouths receive a daily dose of germs and plaque because of the food residue and detritus. These could react with the substance of the aligner and make it less effective. In this situation, the aligners may not fit as tightly and may not be able to exert pressure where it is needed to move the teeth to the appropriate position.
  13. Moreover, you may start adapting to using Invisalign over time to the point that you won't even realize you are wearing it. This may lead to behaviors that harm your Invisalign, such as eating with them or consuming sweet beverages while they are in place. If in case your aligners get broken or stained, then they can be replaced, but the length of time it takes to do so can impact how long your treatment will take. Also, keep in mind that your Invisalign performs all the work, thus they must be handled with gentleness as well as proper care.
  14. Talk to your orthodontist for some extra tips to speed up the process
  15. It is advised that you should consult your dentist if you feel for any reason that your orthodontic treatment is not progressing as it should. They will give you some better suggestions upon evaluation and checkup as to how you can speed up the process. Moreover, they will also be the right ones to decide whether or not you are a good candidate for speedy procedures. Additionally, they can suggest tweaks or changes to your daily routine which may cause or may cause a delay in the procedure in the future.

Final Thought

The best way to speed up the process is to keep a close eye on your treatment's progress and change your habits accordingly, as well as take the steps described above.
