Common Teeth Problems Invisalign Can Fix

Common Teeth Problems & How Invisalign Can Fix

Spacing Between The Teeth

If you believe that your teeth have more gaps than they should, you have a teeth spacing problem. You can also ascertain this by the fact that whenever you eat something, it gets stuck between your teeth. Moreover, if you have comparatively more gap between two or more teeth, then you have a teeth spacing issue. This excess space can result in problems like food getting stuck between teeth and gums, which eventually cause pain and dental disorders.

Invisalign can effectively assist in closing the gaps to create a healthier mouth and can help you get a more aesthetic smile, but there are limitations in how much space needs to be closed. However, Invisalign is very suitable for solving the spacing issue of its major function of putting slight pressure to bring the teeth closer.

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are one different kind of orthodontic issue and are very similar to crowded teeth. They make your teeth look unsightly and alter the beauty of your smile and chuckle. Even though it does not appear to be a serious dental issue, it still significantly impacts how you look. Crooked teeth can cause self-consciousness and humiliation in front of your friends and coworkers.

Invisalign can effectively straighten crooked teeth in adults in about a year and can be used to straighten children's misaligned teeth in as little as six months. However, in some cases, it may take six to twelve months, but that's very rare. Therefore, it is always preferable to begin Invisalign treatment for crooked teeth as early as possible.


Overbite is a situation when the top frontal teeth are more prominent than the bottom frontal teeth and overlay each other. To overcome this issue, your orthodontist may suggest you go for an overjet or maybe a deep bite when the upper front teeth are overly big. Besides this, if overbite is not corrected, it may result in gum issues, wear on the lower teeth, and even cause jaw pain. Therefore, overbite should be corrected as soon as feasible to avoid becoming a big issue.

Invisalign can assist you in fixing this issue at the early stage by straightening your teeth for the further stage of treatment involved to fix an overbite.


An underbite is a teeth condition that is the opposite of overbite. In this case, the frontal teeth of the lower jaw are larger than the teeth of the upper jaw, which results in overlapping the teeth while your mouth is closed. This can cause acute pain in your jaws and sometimes in the joints. Not just this but people with a situation of underbite may experience chipping of lower teeth and discomfort while eating something or while talking.

Well! You do not have to be worried in case you have such an issue, as it can easily be fixed with Invisalign. Consult an orthodontist to learn how Invisalign can correct this problem and get a beautiful smile.


A crossbite occurs when you close your mouth, and some of your upper teeth lay directly inside your lower teeth rather than on the outside. Also, depending on which teeth are impacted, a crossbite might be either front or rear. Moreover, a crossbite can result from the early loss of baby teeth or poor dental hygiene.

Additionally, crossbite might affect the growth of the jaw and chip the teeth. Therefore, you must seek help in case you have such a situation. Crossbite can be easily corrected with Invisalign, just like other dental disorders.

Open Bite

Open bite is usually a dental condition in which the lower and upper jaw do not meet while your mouth is closed. This issue may impair your ability to chew and bite, which could change how you normally eat.

You can solve this issue and resume your regular eating habits by getting an Invisalign brace fitted. Invisalign helps push the teeth back to the right place, which in turn helps solve the problem.

Crowded Teeth

When your jaws are too small to fit all of your teeth, they will get twisted because of overlapping, and such an issue is known as crowded teeth. In such cases, routine habits like flossing and brushing become difficult because some food particles will remain stuck between the teeth, which may become a cause of developing gum disease, tooth decay, and bacterial growth.

You shouldn't put off getting help until anything goes wrong. To stop it from reaching this stage, you can take the help of Invisalign treatment which can assist in aligning your teeth. Therefore, if you have a crowded teeth situation, you should visit an Invisalign dentist for assistance in treating your crowded teeth issue.

Bottom Line

Now you know how Invisalign can easily assist you with numerous orthodontic issues, such as crowded, twisted, and misplaced teeth and excessive, under, cross, or open bites. Therefore, in case you too are having any such sort of orthodontic issues, then you can straight away choose Invisalign without giving it a second thought. Nevertheless, first, you should speak with your orthodontist, who can make the ideal recommendations, on the flip side. With Invisalign, restrictions are becoming less due to technological advances, and orthodontists gain more experience utilizing Invisalign.
