Invisalign and Mints: Can They Go Together? Tips Inside!

Invisalign has revolutionized the world of orthodontics, providing a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. As the top-ranked VIP Diamond+ Cambridge orthodontics Invisalign provider in Boston, Smilebar ensures your Invisalign experience is as seamless and effective as possible. One common question we encounter is whether Invisalign and mints can go together. The good news is that with some mindful practices, you can enjoy fresh breath without compromising your treatment. If you're also exploring Cambridge orthodontics Invisalign options, these tips will be valuable for you too.

1. Choosing the Right Mints

When considering and mints, it’s crucial to select the right type. Sugar-free mints are a must. Sugary mints can leave residue on your aligners, leading to plaque buildup and potential cavities. Opt for mints sweetened with xylitol or other sugar substitutes, which can actually promote oral health by reducing the risk of tooth decay.

2. Timing Your Mint Consumption

Timing is everything when it comes to Invisalign and mints. It's best to enjoy your mints during the short periods when your aligners are out of your mouth, such as during meals. This practice ensures that the mints don’t interfere with the fit and function of your aligners. Remember to brush your teeth before reinserting your aligners to maintain optimal hygiene.

3. Avoiding Sticky and Hard Mints

Sticky and hard mints can pose a risk to your Invisalign aligners. These types of mints can get stuck to your aligners or even cause damage. Soft, dissolvable mints are the safer choice, minimizing the risk of harming your aligners or your teeth.

4. Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial for anyone usingInvisalign. After consuming mints, make sure to rinse your mouth with water. This helps to wash away any residual mint particles and prevents them from getting trapped under your aligners. Consistent brushing and flossing are essential to keep your teeth and aligners clean and free from bacteria.

5. The Role of Aligner Cleaning

Regular cleaning of your Invisalign aligners is key when considering Invisalign and mints. Use the Invisalign cleaning system or soak your aligners in a solution of water and a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner. This practice helps to remove any buildup and keeps your aligners fresh and clear.

6. Hydration is Key

Staying hydrated is important for overall oral health, especially when using Invisalign. Drinking water helps to rinse away food particles and sugars that might interact negatively with your aligners. Water also helps to keep your mouth moist and fresh, reducing the need for mints.

7. Alternative Breath Freshening Methods

If you’re concerned about the potential impacts of mints on your treatment, consider alternative methods for freshening your breath. Chewing sugar-free gum (when your aligners are out), using a mouthwash, or staying hydrated can all contribute to maintaining fresh breath without compromising your aligners.

8. Consulting Your Orthodontist

Your Cambridge orthodontics Invisalign professionals are the best source of advice when it comes to Invisalign and mints. If you have any specific concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to ask during your consultation or regular check-ups. At Smilebar, our team of experts is always here to provide personalized guidance to ensure your treatment progresses smoothly.


So, can Invisalign and mints go together? The answer is yes, with some careful consideration. By choosing the right type of mints, timing your consumption, maintaining excellent oral hygiene, and consulting with your orthodontist, you can enjoy fresh breath without compromising your Invisalign treatment. At Smilebar, top Cambridge orthodontics Invisalign is committed to providing you with the best possible orthodontic care, ensuring that your journey to a perfect smile is both effective and enjoyable.

Remember, Smilebar is Boston’s top Invisalign provider, offering unparalleled expertise and a luxurious treatment experience. Book your free consultation today and discover why we’ve been the top-ranked VIP Diamond+ Invisalign provider for seven consecutive years. And if you’re looking into Cambridge Orthodontics Invisalign, our expert tips will help you make the most of your treatment.
