Reclaiming Your Smile: 5 Tips to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth
Yellowing of teeth is a common concern for people of all ages. While it may not sound as complicated as tooth decay or gum disease, discoloration can have implications such as low self-esteem and appearance-related issues. According to research, besides the prevention of periodontitis and caries, a growing number of oral care products in the market focus on teeth whitening. 1, 2
Additionally, many people visit dental clinics to get rid of yellow teeth, even if it is less severe than bleeding gums or a knocked-out tooth. Tooth discoloration is often subtle, manifesting gradually over the years. While some yellow color is inevitable, not paying attention to the problem can worsen it.3
The first question when you spot discoloration will probably be how to get rid of yellow teeth. Before finding answers, you should dig deep into the causes to resolve the issue from the root and prevent further damage. Additionally, you should look for ways to address the issue to reclaim your pearly-white smile.
We have a comprehensive guide that answers all your questions, from what causes tooth discoloration to how to fix yellow teeth and how to prevent further discoloration.
Causes of Yellowing of Teeth
Before looking for ways to get rid of yellow teeth, you should consider the potential causes. It enables you to determine the reason in your case and decide on a strategy to deal with the issue. Here are a few common causes of tooth discoloration:
Tooth color may run in the family. In fact, research shows that a genetic problem linked with enamel formation may even cause discolored baby teeth. You may be at risk if either or both of your parents have yellow teeth. 4
Food and Drinks
Several foods and drinks can stain teeth. For example, berries, curry spices, and tomatoes contain pigments that cling to enamel and stain it. When it comes to drinks, tea and coffee are the most common culprits. Red and white wine, sodas, and sports drinks laced with artificial flavoring may also cause discoloration.
Smoking damages more than your lungs. The nicotine and tar in tobacco can stain and discolor your teeth. These chemicals act fast and turn your teeth yellow sooner rather than later. 5
Dentin Exposure
Age and wear can cause the thinning of dental enamel, exposing the dentin underneath. As it is deep yellow in color, dentin inherently makes your teeth appear dull and leaves you asking how to get rid of yellow teeth every time you look in the mirror.
Another unexpected cause of tooth discoloration is the use of antibiotics. Tetracycline antibiotics are usually prescribed for treating infections in adults and children. While they may treat the infection, yellowing of teeth is an undesirable side effect they cause. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid tetracycline antibiotics because they can affect the developing fetus’s primary dentition. 6
How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth
After understanding the potential causes of tooth discoloration, the next step is to take some actionable steps to get rid of yellow teeth. You may try simple home remedies because some are highly effective for fixing yellow teeth. Conversely, dental treatment is an option if you are ready to shell out some money and want quick and visible results.
Let us share a few simple measures to help you fix yellow teeth.
#1: Brushing Your Teeth
Brushing your teeth sounds basic, but a consistent and proper brushing routine can be a savior. Stick to at least a twice-a-day routine and brush more often if you consume the food and drink culprits causing tooth discoloration.
Besides consistency, the correct brushing technique is equally crucial. You should reach all the cracks and crevices to thoroughly clean your mouth and teeth. Also, brush gently in a circular motion to avoid hurting your gums.
According to a 2018 study, using whitening toothpaste may help restore your smile. These products have mild abrasives as a core ingredient. The abrasives remove surface stains by scrubbing the teeth. The good thing is that they are gentle enough to keep your pearly whites and gums safe. 7
#2: Clean with Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide
Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can address the tooth discoloration problem when used as a combination. Mix them in a ratio of 1:2 to form a paste. It is said to be effective for removing bacteria and plaque buildup in the mouth. You can brush your teeth with this paste. Alternatively, make a mouthwash by diluting the mixture with water.
Research shows that toothpaste with baking soda as an ingredient can be used safely to remove stains and whiten teeth. These products show significant improvements after six weeks of daily use. The best part is that the remedy is natural, so you do not have to worry about side effects. 8
#3: Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Using apple cider vinegar is another way to get rid of yellow teeth. An animal study has established the bleaching effect of apple vinegar. Although there may not be enough evidence in human studies, many people have witnessed a significant benefit of this remedy. 9
You can try a homemade mouthwash by diluting apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons) with water (6 ounces). Swish the mouthwash for half a minute and rinse with water. Follow up with your brushing routine.
However, use this remedy sparingly because apple cider vinegar may corrode the surface structure of teeth. Stick with minimal quantities and avoid using it for the long haul.
#4: Try Coconut Oil Pulling
If you want to know how to fix yellow teeth naturally, you may have a solution in your kitchen. High-quality organic coconut oil can be your go-to remedy. Coconut oil pulling requires swishing a teaspoonful of coconut oil in your mouth. Keep it inside for 10-30 minutes according to your comfort level. You should not swallow it or let it touch the back of your throat.
Spitting the oil and rinsing your mouth thoroughly with water are the next steps. Drink a glass of water and brush your teeth. While there aren’t specific studies confirming the whitening effect of oil pulling, it is supported by studies proving the efficacy of sunflower and sesame oil in reducing plaque-related gingivitis. 10
# 5: Opt for Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is another home remedy to get rid of yellow teeth. Activated charcoal is another home remedy to get rid of yellow teeth. Since charcoal is highly absorbent, it is believed to remove stains and pigments from teeth. Additionally, it can eliminate oral toxins and bacteria. While more research is required in this context, a 2019 study establishes the effectiveness of charcoal toothpaste for teeth whitening within four weeks of use. 11
You can find whitening toothpastes containing activated charcoal as an active ingredient. Alternatively, you can use the contents of a capsule of activated charcoal to brush your teeth for a couple of minutes.
Avoid using it around your gums or brushing too aggressively because it can be abrasive. You can mix activated charcoal with water to make a mouthwash. Swish it for a minute or two, spit, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly.
Beyond DIY Remedies: How to Fix Yellow Teeth With Dental Treatment?
While DIY remedies can help you get rid of yellow teeth to some extent, you should have realistic expectations. They often show mediocre results, and the outcomes may not stay for the long haul. Additionally, they may not suffice for severe yellowing or staining. Professional dental treatment is your best bet in these situations. Here are the options a dentist may recommend to address the problem.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening treatments remove stains with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. They are ideal for surface (extrinsic) stains, though some products may work for deep dental (intrinsic) stains. You may opt for in-office bleaching or take-home whitening treatments according to your dentist’s recommendation.
Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is advisable for people with deep tooth yellowing that cannot be treated with whitening treatments. With this treatment, your dentist conceals the discolored surface with tooth-colored composite resin. The treatment is affordable and lasting, requiring touch-ups only every five to seven years. 12
Porcelain Veneers
You can consider porcelain veneer as a long-term solution for widespread tooth discoloration. These tooth-colored ceramic shells are permanently glued to the surface of your teeth to conceal discoloration. Porcelain veneers last five to fifteen years, following which they require replacement.
Yellow Teeth Alert for People Using Invisalign
If you use Invisalign, you may need to go the extra mile to get rid of yellow teeth. But rest assured, you are not alone because millions of Americans rely on Invisalign treatment to correct their smiles. You can whiten your teeth if they turn yellow during the clear-aligner treatment.
With the DIY approach, you can try whitening toothpaste or mouthwash to clean your teeth when you take your trays out. But remember to stick with a product having a low concentration of the bleaching agent. Strong products may not pair well with your aligners, so it is best to avoid them.
Invisalign is a popular treatment in the US, with cities like Boston having several specialist clinics. Residing in the city means you can get the best treatment from a reputable clinic. If your teeth are susceptible to yellowing, discuss the concern with your Boston Invisalign specialist before going ahead with the treatment.
Since your teeth move and align during Invisalign treatment, your dentist may recommend waiting until the completion. After sorting the misalignment issue, you can get rid of yellow teeth with a strong, prescription-grade teeth whitening product.
Prevention of Yellow Teeth
While you can fix yellow teeth with these DIY remedies and professional treatment, prevention is always a better thing to do. Fortunately, you can minimize the risk of lifestyle-related discoloration by adopting some precautions and good habits. These include:
- Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth daily
- Limit foods and drinks that may discolor your teeth
- Practice good hydration and rinse your mouth after meals and drinks
- Quit smoking
- Stay ahead of your dental appointments and routine cleaning
Summing Up
Tooth color is subjective, but yellowing can affect your smile, appearance, and confidence levels. Your first priority should be to get rid of yellow teeth sooner rather than later. The best piece of advice is to get down to the root of the problem and decide on the best way to address it. Also, consider unique circumstances, such as dealing with yellow teeth when using aligners.
Fortunately, there are several effective remedies and treatment options to help you get rid of yellow teeth. You can try the DIY ones for minor problems and visit a dentist if it is more profound or you need quick results.