The Psychology of Smiling

Smiling is an involuntary response to happy situations and events. It is something one does without thinking twice and realizing the positive impact it entails. The truth is that a smile is more than only an expression of happiness. It has immense physical and psychological benefits you can hardly imagine.

Over centuries, scientists have tried to understand the psychology of smile, researching the possible reasons for this emotional reaction and its impact on the human body and mind. Even as a layman, you probably want to understand how smiling affects your health and why you should do it more often.

We will dig deep into the psychology of smiling and explain how it can make you a healthier and happier person.

Health Benefits of a Good Smile

Did you know that the journey of facial expression begins as early as during the fetal period? A fetal ultrasound study proved that fetuses smile in utero, with the average duration of the expression being 3.21 seconds. Surprisingly, fetal expressions happen in isolation, without any social interaction, as in the case of adults. 1

Such studies fuel the curiosity around this expression, making people wonder why they express the emotion of happiness by curving their lips upward and showing their teeth. The quest becomes more compelling, leading to ongoing research about the phenomenon of smiling and the health benefits of a good smile.

More Than A Happy Expression

A smile is more than a happy expression. A global collaborative study led by a Stanford researcher validates that a smile can enhance a person’s mood. It means that even trying to smile can make you happy. Another study conducted in 2017 established that social laughter boosts the release of endorphins, the happy hormones. High endorphin levels can alleviate stress and anxiety.  2, 3

The next time you find yourself asking how smiling affects your mental health, just grin and feel the stress releasing for good. You will notice a difference in your mood and mindset, no matter how anxious you are at that point. Believe it or not, even manipulated facial expressions can give you an instant mood lift. 4

Smile & Live Longer

According to Harvard Health Publishing, optimism can lower the risk of early death due to cancer and infection. Another study shows that genuine smiling leads to a longer life, increasing lifespan by years. Besides the scientific evidence, happy people tend to be healthy and live longer. 5, 6

Undoubtedly, maintaining a happy and positive mood is a key aspect of a healthy lifestyle. At this point, you can also consider the stress-relieving ability of a smile because stress can cause chronic disease and affect your lifespan.

Stronger Immunity

Now that you know how smiling affects the brain, you should also understand its benefits for the body. Smiling can strengthen your immune system by stimulating the release of certain neurotransmitters and making you feel more relaxed. The less stressed you feel, the stronger your immunity becomes. 7

You don’t need to worry about catching a cold during the flu season because something as simple as an expression of happiness can fortify your defenses against it. You can ward off illness and stay healthy by smiling more and stressing less.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Next among the health benefits of a good smile is that it lowers blood pressure naturally. Studies show that laughter can reduce blood pressure due to a decrease in mental stress. Reduced stress may relax the sympathetic nervous system and improve vascular endothelial function. It eventually leads to a reduction in blood pressure levels. 8

While more research is required to understand the link between smiling and blood pressure reduction, the benefit is quite evident. You can even try testing your blood pressure at home to note the difference after smiling a bit.

Appearance and Confidence Enhancement

Besides boosting your physical and mental well-being, smiling can enhance your appearance and confidence. Research shows that people associate smiling with facial attractiveness and a positive personality. Conversely, negative expressions such as frowns, scowls, and grimaces do exactly the opposite. 9

How people perceive you may also affect your confidence in relationships, social settings, and professional life. Just curve your lips to build better relationships, become popular in social circles, and get things done at work. You will also look younger and experience high self-esteem with a happy expression.

Tips to Smile More For Health & Longevity

Since you know how smiling affects the brain and body, the next step is to make a conscious effort to smile more. Of course, it is an involuntary reaction to external situations most of the time. However, you can give yourself a boost to do it more often and achieve your health and longevity goals. Here are a few tips:

Practice Smiling

The idea of practicing smiling is unbelievable, but it makes a real difference. Face a mirror to do it, and you will actually find yourself enjoying the exercise. You can even do it with a “smile buddy (a friend, colleague, or family member)” who wants to enjoy the health benefits of a good smile just like you. The best part is that you feel happy and shed all negative thoughts while doing so.

Stay Motivated

Life is challenging, and you face negative situations more often than you imagine, no matter how hard you try to keep things on track. Staying motivated amid your daily struggles is the best way to avoid negativity and keep positive thoughts flowing. You will find yourself smiling more when your motivation levels are high.

Choose a Smile Cue

Smiling more is easy when you choose a cue because it reminds you every time you should curve your lips and show your pearly whites. It may be something you see, such as a neighbor on the street. Cues may also be audible ones, such as listening to your favorite song or talking to a loved one. Even the smell of freshly baked bread can be a cue to smile. Choose the action that gives you a reason to be happy!

Try Faking It

Did you know that you can get all the health benefits of a smile by faking it? A study conducted by researchers at the University of Australia establishes that a smile, simply replicated by moving facial muscles, tricks your mind to feel more positive. All you have to do is get the expression right to feel good without actually experiencing genuine happiness with a real reason. 10

Enhance Your Smile

Research confirms that the esthetic characteristics of your teeth can affect your confidence in smiling. Simply speaking, you may not want to smile if you have discolored, crooked, or damaged teeth, unhealthy gums, bad breath, or other aesthetic dental issues. Conversely, a healthy and beautiful set of pearly whites is a good reason to smile more. 11

How to Enhance Your Smile with Dental Procedures

Not everyone is blessed with perfect teeth and gums, but it shouldn’t keep you from claiming the health benefits of a good smile. A visit to your dentist can help you enhance your smile with dental procedures. Here are the ones your specialist may recommend according to your condition.

Teeth Whitening

Tooth discoloration is a common problem, with reasons varying from poor oral hygiene to genetics, wrong dietary choices, and drug-induced yellowing. Whitening is a simple solution to get a whiter and brighter smile. You can opt for at-home bleaching with a whitening product or seek in-office whitening treatment. Let your dentist decide the best alternative.

Dental Crowns

If discolored, chipped, or misshapen teeth keep you from flaunting a beautiful smile, dental crowns can be your saviors. Besides improving the appearance of your teeth, dental crowns strengthen them.


Dental veneers are thin shells made from tooth-colored materials and shaped to fit the front side of damaged teeth. They appear like your natural teeth, but setting them up requires the removal of a small amount of enamel from the teeth.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is another aesthetic procedure that entails the application of a tooth-colored resin to the teeth. A special light is used to reinforce the material. Bonding has several benefits, from improving the color of your teeth to correcting their shape and closing gaps between teeth.


Braces are the ideal solution for people with crooked teeth that ruin their smiles and confidence levels. The orthodontic treatment takes time but offers an effective solution to misshapen teeth, bite issues, and jaw problems by aligning them. Braces are popular among people of all ages as they deliver the results one expects.


Invisalign refers to removable aligners that are not visible like metal braces yet deliver comparable outcomes. If you are in Boston, you can find a Boston Invisalign specialist to help you with this treatment option. The best thing about using clear aligners is that you regain your confidence sooner rather than later because they do not affect your appearance.

The Bottom Line

The psychology of a smile goes beyond just showing how happy you are with a distinctive facial expression. You cannot undermine how smiling affects your health, from strengthening your immunity to alleviating stress and lowering your blood pressure. By dealing with physical and mental health issues, you can achieve the benefits of longevity and happiness. Invest in your smile to become a happier and healthier version of yourself!

